Hello my friends. I'm sorry I have been neglecting you. The last few months have been a bit of a blur. I've just moved house and relocated my studio, which is exciting in that I have a new space to work in but the move itself was quite exhausting! I'm still unpacking bits and pieces and trying to get myself sorted. Alas, I have no new illustrations to show you so thought instead I would share some examples of my work in cookie form! Here are some new friends I designed and iced in my day job at Cookie Couture. I've been wanting to make bear cookies for ages as some of you will have noticed that I rather like drawing bears. With winter well and truly upon us I felt foxes and squirrels would be the best companions. These very yummy gingerbread cookies are available at Flour and Stone in Woolloomooloo, along with the most amazingly abundant selection of cakes, tarts, pastries and yumminess you can imagine.
This is a giant cookie we did recently for Australian Gourmet Traveller magazine and at roughly 40 x 60cm it was the biggest cookie I've ever seen! The cookie was used as the title page for the magazine's Hottest 100 of 2012 in the May 2012 issue. You can click here to see the article on their website. Photo by Will Horner for Australian Gourmet Traveller